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PDF unConference unSchedule


Time Event Scheduled
10am - 11.30 Morning introductions, schedule discussion, and Mimosas! (mimosas sponsored by Advomatic)
11.30 - 12.30 Session 1
12.30 - 1.30 Lunch and Brownbag conversations (lunch sponsored by Care2)
1.30 - 2.15 Session 2
2.30 - 3.15 Session 3
4.30 - 5.15 Session 4
5.30 - 6.15 Session 5
6.30 - 8.30 Bar room debrief


Topic or Issues to Discuss

We want to hear from you and what issue YOU want to discuss, learn, educate, etc... Don't feel that you have to be the expert. If you really want to discuss something, let it all hang out!


Topic / Issue Nominated by
In 2007, Who is the Audience? Nancy Scola
mesh networked / cross-platform campaigning noel hidalgo + beka economopoulos
A conversation with Micah Sifry and Yochai Benkler about networked politics Micah Sifry & Yochai Benkler
Announcement of Remix Politics Channel, a distributed grassroots media effort, and possibly NewAssignment.net's participatory politics project (this would need to be session 1 or 2) JD Lasica
The Open House Project Open Housers
Fostering online communities Conor Kenny
How to teach non-bloggers (& especially activists) how to blog Elana Levin
Successful blogging for elected officials without staff Arjun Singh
What makes a podcast a good podcast --
How (and why) to go local... local politics, local blogs - local blogging
Ruby Sinreich
Mobilizing Minorities Online for 2008 and Beyond (preferably Session 2 or 3) Cheryl Contee
Fostering structured debate and "logic tree" reasoning through "wiki" technology. Is a "Wikipedia of debate" possible? Brooks Lindsay
What business models and tools can a public dialogue business use to move from old media to new Richard Kilberg
Organizing online to end the Iraq War and impeach Bush and Cheney Bob Fertik
Online/Offline Integration in Practice. (Includes distributed labor and superactivist development) Beka Economopoulos
Online Organizing Metrics and Best Practices (show and tell anyone?) Steve Olson
A political social network for kicking ass, and/or bending Metaweb's Freebase to political ends (for voting and perhaps economic data)

Dan Ancona
Citizen Panels Kevin D. Keck
Global Governance, Global Citizenship Kevin D. Keck
The World Is Spiky Kevin D. Keck
The Future Still Doesn't Need Us (?) Kevin D. Keck
Transpartisanship, Transmodernism, and Holistic/Integral Politics Kevin D. Keck
A little help needed: Exploring ways that the disenfranchised can use the netroots to support their agendas Mark Sherman
What does personal democracy mean -- or -- the "personal" in personal democracy Josh Levy
Microblogging / Lifestreaming: Twitter, Jaiku, etc. and the 2008 Election Andrew Hoppin



Brownbag Conversation and Demonstrations

During lunch (1.5 hours) we are asking people to demonstrate software and host more conversations. If you have a topic or something you would like to demonstrate, please list it below.


Topic / Issue Nominated by
Using Second Life for activism Josh Levy
Using Daylife "news APIs" John Donovan and Vineet Gupta
Capitalism 2.0/ 3.0/ 4.0... In light of the work of Benkler, Lessig, Barnes and so many others, isn't time to start talking about changing the economic system again? Zack Exley
Standards for online opinion gathering Mark Murphy
Indaba.org: An experiment in collaborative expression Craig Simon
foneshow.com: Mobile Podcasting for Political Campaigns and Activists Erik Schwartz and Nic Wolff
Debatepedia.org: Wiki for framing public debates William Wnekowicz


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